Saturday, May 14, 2011


Dress - Primark
Belt - Primark
Bag - Urban Outfitters
Sandals - NW3 by Hobbs

I'm going on holiday to California in less than a month, so I have banned myself from buying any clothes or other treats until I get there. I've got a huge shopping list of things to buy from American Apparel, Forever 21, Urban Outfitters, Victoria's Secret, MAC etc. I also can't wait to go to all the amazing vintage stores in San Francisco.

However, I'm not very good at not shopping for clothes, which is why I ended up making a trip to Primark recently. I allowed myself a limit of £50 and got lots of things: two dresses, a satchel, two pairs of shoes and some nice jewellery bits. My craving was satisfied.

My best purchase was this dress, which was a ridiculously cheap £9. I've also got it in a black Hawaiwan style print. Might have to buy the green version too.


Unknown said...

i love your blog :)


Allison said...

You look absolutely gorgeous. I love all the yellow; I find it's a tricky colour to pull off for me. I also have a hard time clothes shoping, but an easy time spending money... sigh. Haha.

Julia said...

Thank you both! x

helen turnbull said...

This is gorge. That dress is very stella macarteny. Lavv the bag.

Helen, X

Julia said...

Well, thank you very much! x